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Miracles of My Mistakes


Trizah's Story


Author Trizah Morris poses with her bestselling book Miracles of my Mistakes. Trizah used the money that she made to help families obtain services that they needed. 

Trizah Morris had a very rough time when she moved to Los Angeles from the Midwest with her three children, and she had another child on the way. Morris had very limited resources, so she had to live in her car for her first two months. She used that experience to write a best selling book and to help other mothers get off of the streets.


Morris was in need when she arrived, but because of a lot of red tape she was unable to get assistance from the social service offices.

“It was hard because there was nowhere to turn,” Morris said. After social services closes the door, there are many places to get help from.”

Morris did not want to turn to selling drugs or prostitution to earn money to purchase food, diapers, or gas. She kept her dignity and with the help of some caring people, she was able to pick herself up and give her family a home.

Her children are now doing great. They are gifted and they are on track to have a very bright future.

Morris has take her experiences and written the book Miracles of My Mistakes. With the money that she made she founded Getting Every Mother Situated (GEMS), which is a nonprofit organization designed to help families get the funds that they need to support themselves.

GEMS has helped a number of families since it was founded two years ago. Morris feels that women can relate to her better than social workers because she has lived in their shoes, where many social workers have not gone through that struggle.

GEMS provides emergency assistance, referrals, and resources to low-income single mothers. The organization assists families with utility bills, diapers, and transportation as well as the many other needs that may arise during the month. They also provide referrals and resourceful information to meet those needs that are beyond our scope of assistance.

GEMS emergency relief and family programs provide immediate intervention and relief services to low income families in crises situations. Clothing and furniture programs provides used clothing, furniture, appliances, and household goods. School program offers school clothes and supplies. The holiday program gives food, toys, and gifts to make the holiday special.

GEMS receives no state or federal funding, or insurance reimbursement. It is financially dependent on donations from sponsors that want to help out families with emergency needs. At times Morris has taken money out of her own pockets to help fund the organization. Donations are greatly appreciated by GEMS and the families that they assist.

Loni Love from The Real

at Trizah's Booksigning Event

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